As FKK has NAC, now AANR has GAT (Government Affairs Team). Seeing NAC's success in working with Scootch Pankonin, GAT hired a lobbyist of its own. Monitoring the advantages of NAC's NACAR program, GAT has recently formed a similar GAT Member Plan. After NAC decided not to give half control of its NAC Alarms over to AANR, GAT developed its own online L.A.W. (
more ) Alarms. Now has all but duplicated NAC in its organization and style. GAT is attempting to use its grassroots resources (vast as they are), but the power still tends to remain fairly top heavy. NAC's "power" to the degree it's any, stays firmly rooted in the FKK membership. The NAC board takes as its obligation to help people, clubs, and other naturist groups as they submit ideas for defending or advancing naturist liberties. In a awesome millennium, when business and corporate paradigms are taken as axiomatic, a volunteer grassroots organization might seem anachronistic. But so far it has worked astonishingly well.
Clothed With The Sun Becomes N: Nude & Natural